1. Funcinpec supports and protects the constitutional monarchy. We respect the constitution of 1993 with the motto of the Nation Religion King. We embrace the principles of democracy, freedom, multiple parties, and human rights. We continue to work in reconciliation with everyone in order to find eternal peace under the guidance of the King, Preah Bath Norodom Sihanouk.
2. Funcinpec supports free and fair elections and respects the result of a free and fair election.
3. From the next term onward Funcinpec supports the regime of only one Prime Minister and no co-ministers. Funcinpec will not permit cessation of lands within the country.
4. Funcinpec will push for all laws to be formulated and promulgated so that Cambodia will be a lawful state. Funcinpec will restructure the civil administrations and armed forces to become neutral and the courts to be independent.
5. Funcinpec respects human rights and denounces sex trade.
6. Funcinpec will adhere to policies of making friends, especially in neighboring regions in preparation to join Asia. We protect our territorial integrity based on the 1/100,000 scale map drawn during the period of 1933-1953 and which was recognized by the world between 1963-1969.
7. Funcinpec will solve the nationality issue in a fair and firm manner.
8. Funcinpec will endeavor to raise the standard of living through the development of economy, agriculture, handicrafts, and both light and heavy industries.